The WINKELWAGENSHOW the DUTCH RADIOZOO! Full of artists from all over the world. It doesn't matter what kind of sound, it's important to be guest in the awesome spectacular radioprogram hosted by the one and only crazy radiohost Peter van Vlokhoven with all his special questions! Broadcasted on Dutch FM, AM, cable radiostations and Dutch internetradio worldwide! The WINKELWAGENSHOW is a meltingpot of new artists with their new songs, promotional gigs and well know musical heroes, DJ's & Producers with their big hits. 9 seasons on the road and Peter van Vlokhoven isn’t ready yet to close the doors. All kind of music, from dance to rock, from rap to Dutch music it only happens in The WINKELWAGENSHOW.
Every week a new show!
These Amazing Artist, DJ's & Producers allready joined the WinkelWagenShow!